21 April 2013

Walk of the Gods

I have walked from Owers Corner to Imata Ridge on the Kokoda Track and I thought that was tough. It pales into dawdle status compared to the Walk of the Gods from Nocelle to Priano. This is me at the start of the trip:

This is me midway through.
What amazes me is that Italians build huge structures (mainly churches) absolutely anywhere. Have an outcrop of rock…let’s put a mansion on it. Their engineering skill are supreme and I gain more respect for these artisans everyday. What they have created is beautiful. It made that walk worthwhile…painful but rewarding. Very painful.
Would I do it again? Yes…but from Bommerino to Nocelle and I would definately not do the 2000+ steps to Nocelle from Positano and the 2000+ steps down to Praino. Killer Killer Killer.
My thighs still scream at the sight of steps.
                                                                           Early in the walk
                                                Walk of The Gods (do you know God is Italian?)
                                                        The wildlife (great goat's cheese here)
                                                                            Gaining height
                                                                            Catching wind
                                                     Another rocky outcrop, another church
                                                           Life must have been hard up here

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