04 April 2013

Mister GPS

Venice is not describable. I could go on and on and on about it but…blah blah blah. Come to Venice. Bring a healthy appetite for life and a sense of humour. Prepare to be blown away. Do it fast. The place is sinking.
And please do not listen to the doomsayers who tell you gondola rides are a rip off. It’s Venice. Mamma Mia, where else would you bother?
Our oarsman was Adamo…a young, passionate Venetian with a strong arm and very healthy sense of humour. Allan, my detail orientated brother-in-law, was studying the map as we floated through the back canals. Adamo found this funny. “Hey Kiwi Man” he said to Allan “ you are my Mr. GPS”.
Allan took this seriously. Occasionally he would say “Adamo, we are in Canal such and such”. Adamo would shake his head say “Mr. GPS, you need to pay me double if you want to get back to your hotel”. Allan would then pour over his map and ignore the totally spectacular scenery.
We got home. Adamo, for his great humour and total graciousness, got a very large tip.
The sun was shining so Susan (my beautiful sister-in-law) and her daughters (Meg and Alice) went and sat in the sun. We had apperitivo. Allan decided to venture off and find a Tim Sim shop. We waved him off and continued to languish in the sun by the canal. Armed with his map, he set off.
Venice isn’t big. He got lost.
Although Allan will tell you he didn’t get lost…he just couldn’t find the store. Despite it being marked with a big, red ‘X’ on his trusty map.
I think Adamo was right about Mr. GPS.

Mister GPS and his map...

And again...

Speed camera on the canal (speed limit is 5Kph)

The Venice Fire Station

Washing must get done! Same the world over.

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